Archive | October, 2011

Name Change

29 Oct

I can’t believe that I’ve been married for nearly 8 1/2 months.  When people say “it goes so quickly”, they aren’t kidding. I remember reaching month 2 and then 3 and then 4, and I was thinking, “this isn’t flying by. People are so dramatic”. Here I am beginning to think about a 1 year anniversary plan, just wondering where the time has gone.

The time has been moving so quickly that I just haven’t made it to the Social Security office or the DMV to change my name. That’s it. Time is moving too fast.


Okay, okay. It’s just SO weird to me. I’ve been a McGee my whole entire life. 27 years as a McGee and now I’m supposed to just make that name disappear and become a Botes!? (I don’t want to be hyphenated, by the way)

I’m not ashamed to be a Botes, and I’m certainly happy to be married. I get the idea of marriage and I do think the “take his name” tradition can seem quite romantic. It’s just that every time I sit down and seriously think, “I’ll change my name tomorrow”, I can’t. 

And my idea of both of become the McBotes was totally shot down. Come on. MCBOTES. It’s perfect. No?

Then it happened:
A couple of weeks ago my husband says, “So, are you going to change your name?” and I say, “yes, I will.” and he smiles and says, “When?” and I laugh and say “Definitely before we have kids :)” and then he stops smiling and doesn’t laugh and then he stops talking.


So, I bring out all the excuses. “I’m just lazy. I don’t want to sit around those offices and wait and find paperwork and spend my whole day…”

“Well, what is it? You don’t like the name? What if my last name was different, would you have already changed it?”

This means that he actually didn’t listen to any of my excuses and just started spewing out what he’s most likely been thinking about for the last 8 months. Concluding that, regardless of what I say, it won’t matter because he clearly has to let me know what’s been on his mind.

I, of course, show sympathy. And then, like any great woman would do, I provide him an example of the situation to see what he would feel like in a different pair of shoes

“Pete, imagine your students at school calling you Mr. McGee. Think about it. Hi, Mr. McGee! Hey, Mr. McGee, can I sharpen my pencil?”

Isn’t that weird?!?!!?

“But, Kerry, the woman is supposed to change her name. That’s why calling me by a different last name sounds weird.”


Got him. Nailed it.

I fairly concluded with this:
So, while you will never understand what it’s like to have to even consider changing your name and identity, I will never understand what it’s like to have a feisty little Irish girl put off taking her handsome man’s name. 

We both lose.

Our dog has been having multiple vet visits (long story for another day) and since I got the dog before I was married all of her paperwork is under my name. And since I never changed my name, the paperwork has stayed the same. Anyway, the other day my husband had to go pick her up and the Vet said, “Right this way, Mr. McGee.”

And then Peter felt it. For real. What it would be like. 


I win.


29 Oct

I’m so excited to finally have a set schedule that I’ve been waking up every weekend at 6am to enjoy my days off.

No, that’s not right.

I’m so excited to finally have a set schedule that my body hates me and wakes me up at 6am on my days off.

Yep, there it is.

I suppose it’s because I DO have a set schedule that I wake up at the same time every day, regardless of if I have to be anywhere. Which means that I pretty much go to bed at the same time every night, regardless of what I’ve done.

My old job gave me such different days off and different hours, that nothing about it would wear on me. Now that I’m busy at work and doing the Mon-Fri thing, when Friday night rolls around, I’m actually sleepy. Am I getting old?
I’m actually nervous because of course, today, I woke up at 6, but we are supposed to go to a party tonight. We might have to be out of there by 9:30 to meet my 10pm bedtime.

Working/married/routine life IS awesome. I promise. 😉

Because when you don’t use things enough…

29 Oct

You forget your password and your URL.

I have two blogs with WordPress and I hardly use either of them. That is why the last 10 minutes of my morning I’ve spent recovering passwords and trying to remember which email address I used. Because, I also have multiple email addresses. Totally normal, no? And every time I notice that I don’t blog, I tell myself and the 2 people that accidentally remember to read my blog, that I’m SERIOUSLY GONNA START BLOGGING, LIKE, ALL THE TIME.

Here we are. Blogless.

I just realized I left comments for peoples blogs under the OLD blog that I use, instead of this one that I want to really use. Anyway.

Enough about that.

I got my dream car. My dream car that I’ve wanted since I was 16 and probably should have stopped wanting by the time I turned 18. I didn’t stop wanting it because I never got it. The long wait was totally worth it because my new 2012 Volkswagen Beetle is the cutest little thing, ever.





 I’m in love.


6 Oct

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.

So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.

You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.

This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

– Steve Jobs


1 Oct

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people constantly bash Las Vegas. Especially people who are from here or live here.

I was born and raised here with the majority of my family and dearest friends and we are all healthy and fabulous and well-rounded and successful.

It doesn’t matter where you are, it only matters what you make of it.

My former best friend of 14 years up and moved her little family to Utah because, I CAN’T RAISE MY KIDS IN VEGAS. (Even though she and her family were successfully raised here…)
Also, notice the word former is due to her wildly outrageous immaturity, which is another post.

ANYWAY, my point is that I found this list


and Las Vegas is on there and that makes me SO happy.
I know it’s a poll and I know it doesn’t determine everything in life. I haven’t talked to my shitty old pal since June, but I want to send her this link more than ever. I won’t stoop to that level, which is why I’ll just rant on the blog.

So, hey Adrie, GREAT MOVE. 🙂