
8 Nov

Common things continue to make me feel “old” and “boring”. These things include but are not limited to:

Not wanting to go out to clubs or bars, ever again.
Speaking of…being completely okay with never getting drunk again. (Thank God)
Goodbye, low-cut shirts.
Spending my Saturday evenings on the couch watching shows via DVR or reading a book right before my self-implemented 10pm bedtime.
Being away from my house and missing my dog. (This probably just makes me crazy.)
Looking at teenagers Facebook updates and literally shaking my head.
Crockpot recipes make me really,really happy.
Noticing that Halloween pictures via Facebook weren’t slutty anymore. They were made for children or people just didn’t give a shit.

At first, I noticed these changes happening slowly. Now, I’m noticing changes every single day. My late twenties are staring me down and slapping me in the face and I’m not sure I’ve ever been happier.

It really does get better and better.

2 Responses to “Grown-up”

  1. Rachel Del Grosso November 8, 2011 at 3:04 pm #

    I totally agree with so much on your list. Bars? No thanks. Saturday nights watching TV or reading? Heck yes. Halloween costumes, self-implemented bedtimes, CROCK POT RECIPES! Yes yes yes.

  2. Notes from McBotes November 9, 2011 at 2:19 am #

    Life ain’t so bad afterall! 🙂

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